10 May 2013

Mother's Day: Part I

In my life, I have 4 mothers. All whom I love and care so much about! I have my Mom, my Step-mom, my MIL and my Step MIL. All four are amazing women in one way or the other.  This is about all of them, and experiences, the good, bad and the ugly.

For my beautiful Step-Mom.

I can't put into words, how much this woman means to me. I know not everyone has a wonderful relationship with their step parents. I think they get a bad rap. . .Evil stepmothers, evil stepsister, portrayed in such an ugly and terrible light. . . but not mine! This woman took us in, knowing the hurt we have been through. My dad and us kids were a package deal! And she took that on! She loved us and treated us like we came from her. I'll admit, our relationship hasn't been all "rainbows and sunshine". Hell no. We had our ups and downs. We butt heads, and drive each other nuts!  But at the end of the day, I knew that I was her baby just as much as her own children were. She has always been so passionate about children, protective, and always wanted to give us the best, including kids that were brought into her life, from my friends to my siblings friends and their children etc. . . she was born to be a mother!

Our relationship has been up and down. We've had screaming matches, we have gone without talking to each other for a long time, and we have cried and hugged and worked out our difference. Through it all, I could always count on her for a shoulder to cry on, some words of wisdom, and a good laugh! We can get pretty crazy when we drink wine and play War! Haha!! That's a story for a different day! 

She was a military wife. She did it all. Her life wasn't easy taking care of 3 kids, living in foreign countries away from family and everything she knew, but her life was an experience that she wouldn't trade for anything! She loved her soldier with all of her heart! Then he passed. It broke her heart, but with 3 kids, she had to push on, and she did. Then my dad and my step-mom got together. I can't say that I was the most accepting. I felt like she was trying to take my mother's place. But I loved her anyways!

At one point, she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. It was hard to think that something like this could happen to such a wonderful woman. It killed me! I had a hard time trying to be brave for her. Thankfully the cancer was taken care of with a hysterectomy, but that was only one battle won. She dealt with fear everyday that cancer could come back and that her hormones (or lack of them) were taking over her. She didn't feel like her. I didn't recognize her some days. One minute it was a good day, and then suddenly an argument. Of course I wasn't the easiest child to deal with, and I should have done better to be understanding, but I wasn't. I didn't understand her struggle. But now I do. 

I look up to her so much! She is a FIGHTER! She never backs down from a challenge! She is STRONG, BRAVE AND BEAUTIFUL! I am proud to call her Mom!  She is always there when I need her and has done so much to make sure that I can take care of myself and be a strong woman! Not to mention, I go to her for all the military wife advice! I'm glad that she had a part in molding me to be such an awesome person! (Sorry! You can't take ALL the credit! ;) hehe! ) I love you so much, Mom! Thanks for everything you have done for me! Happy Mother's Day!
Senior Prom! Hehe!


  1. She really is a wonderful woman who had more of an impact than I think she realized!

    1. She had a wonderful impact on all of us kids!
